The Effect of Promotion, Relationship Marketing, and Service Quality on Recipient Satisfaction of Participants of BPJS (The National Health Care Security) of Workers at Office of Jakarta Kebayoran Baru Branch

Authors : Bagus Teja Harmoko, Muchsin S. Shihab

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 7 - July

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The purpose of this study is to how to influence of Relationship Marketing, and Service Quality to the Customer Satisfaction of the Wages of The National Health Care Security) Of Workers At Office Of Jakarta Kebayoran Baru Branch. This type of research uses quantitative methods. The population study are active companies at the BPJS Employment Participants at the Jakarta Kebayoran Baru Branch Office totaling 2.235 people in 2018. The number of samples was determined by the Slovin formula and set as many as 340 respondents. While the data collection techniques used questionnaires carried out when there were BPJS participants who were coming to the BPJS office in the Kebayoran Baru Branch. The data analysis method used is multiple regression analysis and hypothesis that is processed through the SPSS version 22.00 program. The test results show that 1) Promotion has significant effect towards customer satisfaction. The relationship between the dimensions of publicity / relationships has the highest priority on customer satisfaction, while the lowest ratio is the advertising dimension. 2) Relationship marketing has significant effect on customer satisfaction. Correlation between dimensions which shows the highest level of trust in customer satisfaction, while the lowest is the communication dimension. 3) Service Quality has significant effect on customer satisfaction. Correlation between dimensions shows the highest dimensions of reliability on customer satisfaction, while the lowest comparison between tangibile dimensions. 4) Promotion, relationship marketing, and service quality contributes an increase of 57.6% on customer satisfaction.

Keywords : Customer Satisfaction, Promotion, Relationship, Marketing, Service Quality.


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