Advances in technology have changed the
traditional music industry. Buying a physical compact disc
is no longer the only way to buy music. But buying physical
CDs, still accounts for more than 46% of global recorded
music revenue. The purpose of this study was to analyze
the effect of scarcity appeal in advertising on customer
attitude, scarcity appeal in advertising on purchase
intention, customer attitude affect purchase intention on
Box Set products in Physical Album Purchases.
This study uses data, which in this study were
collected using survey methods. The population in this
study is the music fans of artists who make Box Set albums
on Buy Physical Albums. The sampling technique used in
this study is purposive sampling is a sampling technique
where the sample is chosen based on the criteria, among
others: music fans of artists who make Box Set albums on
Buy Physical Albums who have never bought Box Set
products at Physical Album Buy and have never saw the
Box Set product ad on the Physical Album Buy.
The results of the study on the Box Set product at
Buy This Physical Album show that Scarcity Appeal in
Advertising has a significant effect on customer attitude.
Scarcity appeal in advertising also has a significant
influence on Purchase intention. Likewise, Customer
Attitude has a significant influence on Purchase Intention.
This shows that the three research hypotheses were
accepted as correct.
Keywords : Box Set, Buy Physical Album, Scarcity Advertising In Advertising, Customer Attitude, Purchase Intention.