The purpose of this study was to determine
and analyze the effect of service differentiation and
logistics service quality on competitive advantage and its
impact on the marketing performance of freight
forwarding companies in Jakarta. The sample in this
study were employees of a freight forwarding company
as many as 200 people. The analysis technique uses SEM
analysis with WarpPLS. The results showed that service
differentiation and logistics service quality had a positive
effect on competitive advantage. Service differentiation
and logistics service quality have a positive effect on
marketing performance. Competitive advantage has a
positive effect on marketing performance. The higher
the competitive advantage, the higher the marketing
performance will be. Competitive advantage must be
owned by the company or product to achieve
performance and achieve product success. The value of
R Square for the variable of competitive advantage
obtained is 0.27 or 27%. These results show that service
differentiation and logistics service quality together have
an effect of 27% on competitive advantage, while (1-R
Square) the remaining 73% is a large contribution of
influence given by other factors not examined. The value
of R Square for the marketing performance variable
obtained is 0.58 or 58%. These results show that service
differentiation, logistics service quality and competitive
advantage together have an effect of 58% on competitive
advantage, while (1-R Square) the remaining 42% is a
large contribution of influence given by other factors not
Keywords : Service Differentiation, Logistics Service Quality, Competitive Advantage, Marketing Performance