The Effect of Social Entrepreneurship on Organizational Learning, Partnerships, Competitive Advantages and Business Performance (Study on Small Scale Enterprises in Creative Industries Oriented in DKI Jakarta Province)

Authors : Catur Susanto, Dr. H. Taher Alhabsyi, Dr. Wilopo, Yusri Abdillah.

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 4 - April

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SMEs have an important role for the economy. However, SMEs are also have with various problems, such as high levels of competition and high risk of business failure. “Various empirical studies prove that the main factors determining the success of SMEs are determined by the application of strategic management, such as organizational learning, partnerships, competitive advantage, and business performance”. Some of these aspects are categorized as forming aspects of social entrepreneurship entities. However, there is still debate whether social entrepreneurship is truly able to be a determining factor for the success of SMEs.

Keywords : Social Entrepreneurship, Organiza-tional Learning, Partnerships, Competitive Advantage, Business Performance.


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