Pegagan embun has been used to increase
endurance. In this study, the effects of Pegagan embun
extract on the number and percentage of leukocyte cells
exposed to the H5N1 antigen were observed. As many as
35 experimental animals were used, divided into 7
groups, by varying the time of administration of the
H5N1 antigen. Groups 1 and 2, given the test extract for
7 days and induced H5N1 antigen on days 1 and 7 were
evaluated on day 8. Group 3 was given a test extract for
3 days then induced antigen on day 4 and continued with
giving the test extract until day 7. In groups 5 and 7, only
H5N1 antigen induction was given on day 1 and
evaluated on day 8 and day 5. Groups 4 and 6 were only
given the test extract for 7 and 4 days. Observations
were made on the total number and percentage of
leukocyte cells. After being counted, the total leukocyte
the presntase of leukocyte cell types the yield of
eucinophils was . From the results of statistical
analysis it can be concluded that giving Pegagan embun
extract to male white mice exposed to the H5N1 antigen
can increase the number of leukocytes and the
percentage of leucocyte cell types that increase are
neutrophil cells, eucinophils, and monocyte cells.
Keywords : Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides Lam.; Immunostimulan; Leukocyte percentage; Total leukocyte.