Authors : Sri Rizky Ramadhany; Muhammad Idrus Taba; Fauziah Umar
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 6 - June
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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUN288
This study aims to determine the effect of
training, job satisfaction and employee engagement on
millennial generation performance at PT Midi Utama
Indonesia in Makassar. Training and job satisfaction
act as independent variables, performance as the
dependent variable and employee engagement as an
intervening variable. This research is a quantitative
study using path analysis. Subjects in this study were 52
store employees of Alfa Midi. The data in this study
were obtained by questionnaire and then processed
using SPSS. The results showed that training had no
significant effect on employee engagement, job
satisfaction had a significant effect on employee
engagement, employee engagement had a significant
effect on performance, training had no significant effect
on performance, job satisfaction had no effect on
performance, training had no significant effect on
employee performance through variables employee
engagement, and job satisfaction significantly influence
employee performance through employee engagement
Keywords : Training, Job Satisfaction, Employee Engagement, Employee Performance.