This study aims to find out and analyze how
the training provided affects work motivation and how
it impacts on BPJS Ketenagakerjaan performance. The
population of this study was all 4,445 employees of the
BPJS Employment Office. The sample in this study,
based on the Issac and Michael table with 5% apha, was
323 people (headquarters employees). Sample collection
using simple random sampling. The analysis technique
used in this study uses Structural Equation Modeling
(SEM) with the LISREL 8.70 program. This study
shows that (1) Training influences work motivation. (2)
Motivation influences employee performance. (3)
Training influences employee performance (4) Training
and motivation together influence employee
performance (5) Training has an indirect effect on
employee performance through motivation as a
mediating variable.
Keywords : Training, work motivation, and employee performance.