Labor discipline is a tool that leaders use to
communicate with employees increasing the motivation
of the employees. The purpose of this study was to
analyze the effect of work motivation and servant
leadership on the work discipline of District Office
employees. This study is an analytical study with an
observational approach. The sampling technique by
using proportional random sampling which gained 6 0
vote office employees districts. The data analysis
technique used univariate and bivariate analysis with
path anlysis statistical test and a significance level of
95% with a significance value of 5%. Based on the
analysis that has been done shows that there is the
influence of work motivation and servant leadership to
discipline office employee districts. The motivation for
employees needs to be improved so that employees can
show a more positive direction of behaviour and are
more motivated at work. This can be done by giving
rewards for employees who have demonstrated a good
attitude and discipline, whereas for staff misconduct
can be given punishment in the form of tougher
sanctions so that employees will be afraid when
breaking the rules and do not repeat it again. Thus, it is
hoped that it will create and increase high discipline on
the basis of the awareness of the employees concerned.
Keywords : Discipline, Work, Motivation, Servant Leadership.