Types of qualitative research, the results showed that: the role of entrepreneurship and a culture of entrepreneurship in economic and social development is often underestimated. However, after so many years is becoming increasingly clear that entrepreneurship is indeed to contribute to economic development. The transformation of ideas into economic opportunities are the essence of entrepreneurship. History shows that economic progress has advanced significantly by people who have an entrepreneurial and innovative soul, was able to take advantage of opportunities and daring to take risks.
These things should be looked at various parties such as Governments, universities, and students themselves feel compelled to immediately fix and make an effort to stop the spread of this disease to the next era. One of the paradigms that must be modified is after graduating college students must “find a job”, but will be more visible and sounded wonderful if the paradigm is replaced by “creating jobs”. That means, in this case the student is not designed to be an employee but rather being an entrepreneur.
Keywords : business, roles, policies, education, entrepreneurship.