The Effects of Anxiety toward Listening Comprehension at University Level

Authors : Sawaludin; Abidin Pammu; Harlinah Sahib

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 1 - January

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The issue of anxiety and its impact on the receptive skills has revolved around EFL and ESL context, and there have been alot have been revealed regarding the issue. This research addresses the levels of students’ anxieties and their effect on the levels of listening comprehension on the fifth-semester students of English Education Study Program at University of Dayanu Ikhsanuddin. A quantitative research design was developed in performing the research processes that involved data collection and analysis. The sample size was determined by involving 45 students by means of random sampling to represent the total population of all fifth semester students. As a study measure, a closed-ended questionnaire was used to collect data on the level of anxiety of the students. The data were then analyzed by utilizing statistical tool that has been standardized by other researchers in this field. The findings indicate that four general categories of anxiety were emerging. These include listening anxiety due to features of foreign language input, processing of foreign language related elements, personal factors, and educational factors. The findings demonstrate that anxiety belonged to a relatively high level in all the samples. These anxiety levels led to the underperformance in the listening test, claiming that they have poor receptive skill ability. Regression analysis clearly demonstrated that Anxiety and listening comprehension have had a major impact. The findings lead to pedagogical implication that require teachers to overcome students’ anxiety prior to classroom instruction

Keywords : Listening Anxiety, Listening Comprehension, English Education


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