The Effects of Price, Product and Promotion of Astinet Services on Purchasing Decisions at North Jakarta Branch

Authors : Auila Noverri Putra, Har Adi Basri

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 8 - August

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This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of prices, products and promotions as well as their implications for Astinet purchase decisions in the North Jakarta Branch. The research method used was a survey with a quantitative approach. The research sample of 96 respondents. Primary data collection using a questionnaire. Quantitative data analysis uses multiple linear regression method. The data is processed through the SPSS 24 application. Results of the study found that simultaneously the price, the product, promotion of Astinet services have significant effect on purchasing decisions in the North Jakarta branch. The product provides the most powerful and significant influence on the decision due to Astinet products is indeed suitable for the company's need to get internet access at high speed and good performance quality so that the company uses it . Conclusions Research shows that partially, the price, product, promotion of Astinet services have significant effect on purchasing decisions in the North Jakarta branch. This penalty provides ads apply recommended by PT Telekomunikasi is not too high in setting the price of Astinet products in order to compete competitively with its competitors and product quality performance needs to be improved again to grow the purchase decision.

Keywords : Price, Product, Promotion and Purchase Decisions.


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