The Efficacy of Focal Argon Laser on Visual Acuity and Foveal Thickness Outcome in Chronic Macular Oedema

Authors : Emad Mahmoud; Sinead Fenton

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March

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The aim of this study is to report 2-year visual acuity and anatomic changes from baseline to 24 months after conventional and modified focal macular photocoagulation in eyes with chronic vascular macular oedema1-3. Diabetes mellitus and retinal vein occlusion are the main causes of chronic macular oedema and those patients had no improvement of their visual outcome after treating by Anti-VEGF drugs4,5. Follow up of 98 eyes (of 82 patients) with chronic diabetic and vein occlusion maculopathy who underwent conventional and modified focal macular photocoagulation guided by Fluorescein fundus angiography6. All those patients had received different types of Anti-VEGF drugs and had no improvement of their visual acuity. 24 months follow -up there is a significant improvement in the mean visual acuity outcome by 12 letters in 45 from 98 eyes (45.91%).The median central subfield retinal thickness decreased by 82-95 microns ,median total macular volume decreases by 0.8mm3 and median Fluorescein leakage area with conventional and modified focal macular photocoagulation decreased by 1.1 disc areas. 38 eyes (84.44%) had stable improvement of visual outcome and 6(13.35%) eyes had deterioration of their baseline visual acuity and when repeated focal laser to this group, there was 2 from 6eyes (33.33%) eyes had Visual improvement. More than 45.91% of eyes of patients had a significant and stable improvement of visual acuity outcome, OCT thickness, volume measurement and decreased fluorescein leakage area that underwent both conventional and modified focal macular laser. More than 38 from 45 eyes (84.44%) of eyes had stable visual outcome after focal macular Laser treatment.

Keywords : Macula Oedema, Anti-VEGF Drugs, Focal Laser, Foveal Thickness.


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