The Existence of Hinduism in the Legal System State Administration in Indonesia

Authors : Jimmy H. Sinaulan, I Putu Gelgel.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 8 - August

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One of the demands for reform is the establishment of an Indonesian constitutional system based purely and consistently on the notions of “popular sovereignty” and “rule of law”. Therefore, in the context of strengthening the legal system that is expected to be able to bring the people of Indonesia to achieve the goals of the aspired state, the amendment or amendment to the 1945 Constitution is a strategic step that must be done carefully by the Indonesian people. Talking about the legal system certainly cannot be separated from the issue of legal politics or rechtspolitiek, because the law of politics determines what legal system is desired. Legal politics is a basic policy that determines the direction, form,and content of the law to be formed. These basic policies are the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (UUD1945) and the National Medium Term Development Plan. Thus the 1945 Constitution or the constitution of the Republic of Indonesia determines the direction of the legal politics of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia which functions as the highest written basic law to be operationalized for the achievement of the State’s objectives. Here I will discuss the State Administration System of the Republic of Indonesia, which encapsulates the 1945 Constitution Amendment, the Form of a Unitary State, the Form of Republican Government, the Presidential Administration System, the Democratic Political System.

Keywords : law, dharma, and power.


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