Unsecured loans are the application of the people’s business credit program, hereinafter referred to as government business credit issued by the government. The purpose of the people’s business credit to accelerate the development of economic activities in the real sector in the context of poverty alleviation and expansion as well as expansion of employment opportunities. The targets of this program are Micro Small Medium Enterprises and Cooperatives. The regulation governing this KUR is Law Number 20 Year 2008 regarding Micro Small Medium Enterprises and most recently the Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 20 / PMK.05 / 2015 on the Procedure of Implementing Interest Subsidy for People’s Business Credit. The form of legal protection for the bank for the provision of KTA facility is through Article 55 paragraph 2 UUJN, namely Grosse Deed which has the power of executives and Article 1131 Civil Code, that is the creditor can execute the moving or immovable moving debtor and the existing or the existing. The legal effort that can be done by the bank to the customers non performing loan related to the personal loan facility which is the application of goverment business credit program issued by the government is to bring a civil suit to a district court or bankruptcy lawsuit to a commercial court after the mediation is not reached.
Keywords : Protection, Law, Loan, Collateral.