The Ideologies in Pappaseng La Tenribali Text: A Text Dimension using Critical Discourse Analysis of Norman Fairclough

Authors : Andi Tenri Bali Baso; Ery Iswary; Abdul Hakim Yassi

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 11 - November

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This research aims to explore the types of ideologies found in the Pappaseng La Tenribali text. This research is a qualitative study using Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis approach, namely looking at the dimensions of discourse text. Based on the observations made, the Pappaseng La Tenribali text has been chosen to be the data source by looking at the ideology in the text. Data analysis techniques through library techniques, interviews and data observation to find conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the dimensions of the text in Pappaseng La Tenribali are 19 types of ideology: The Ideology of protecting each other's glory, The ideology of honesty, The ideology of mutually enforcing custom and law, The ideology of mutual glory or honor, The ideology of not taking property or inheritance from each other, The ideology of respect, The ideology of judicial rights, The ideology of fulfilling the right to freedom, The ideology of judicial rights recognition, The ideology of not canceling each other's decisions, The ideology of not blocking each other's efforts or obstacles, The ideology of Trust, The ideology of should not outsmart one another, The ideology of mutual honesty and trust, The ideology of authority rights recognition, The ideology of giving a warn each other and accepting, The ideology of deliberation and consensus process, The ideology of not getting emotional, The ideology of giving privilege.

Keywords : Critical Discourse Analysis, Pappaseng La Tenribali, Ideology


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