The Impact of Artificial Intelligence Techniques on the Entrepreneurship of the Leadership of International Business Organizations – A Suggested Model - An Analytical Study

Authors : Dr. Tharwat Alhawamdeh; Dr. Osama Abdul Munim; Mohammad Omar Alzoubi; Hamzeh Alhawamdeh

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG261

Entrepreneurial leadership with a pure intellectual starting point has received the attention of high-quality international business organizations because of its need for leadership that possesses strategic thinking which can change with the changing circumstances surrounding it, hence the interest in the topic of entrepreneurial leadership with strategic thinking due to the acceleration of the complex environmental conditions surrounding these organizations, represented by the emergence of the phenomenon of globalization and the cognitive economy and technological progress, which may be represented here as the techniques of artificial intelligence, which prompted these leaders and their organizations to search for mechanisms for their continuity and stability in a competitive world. Therefore, it is expected that entrepreneur leaders possess the qualities of intellectual stimulation, which is an important matter in entrepreneurial leadership, and that they are also ready to change the existing status of their organizations by creating major changes, through taking advanced technological technologies. This is expected to help them achieve the visions of their organizations to reach local and global entrepreneurship. Therefore, the current study worked on knowing the impact of artificial intelligence on the entrepreneurship of the leadership of international business organizations to reach the added value of its strategic operations at the local and global levels.

Keywords : Artificial intelligence, Entrepreneurship, International business organizations


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