This study is about understanding The Impact of the automated check-in process on Bahrain International Airport Customers which fallen under the modernization and implementation of the automated technologies in airport industries. The research will be limited to the International Airport of Bahrain and will focus on the reasons that made this solution necessary be implemented, inanition to the impacts and overall solution acceptance by passengers and staff that will handle it. The methodology used in this research was the Solvin’s formula from random sample survey techniques, and the overall result was that employees and passengers has agreed that applying the automated check-in process will improve the customer’s satisfaction from different three angles: Processing & Queuing time, software design & Expense reduce. Data analysis has been done through the SPSS system which confirmed that the survey questionnaire was reliable and the results were employee and passengers agreed on that the automated check-in process will improve the overall customer’s satisfaction.
Keywords : Automated check-in , International Airport of Bahrain, SPSS, Customer Satisfaction.