This study aims to conduct a scientific study
of the implementation of knowledge management in
BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. Data or information sources
used in this study were obtained based on interviews,
observations, audio-visual material, documentation and
reports from informants who understood the
implementation of knowledge management at the BPJS
Ketenagakerjaan. This type of research is qualitative
research with a case study method. The results showed
that knowledge management was not optimal running
well, but knowledge management became an important
strategic step for BPJS Ketenagakerjaan in increasing
company innovation, this is evident from the steps that
have been taken by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan to maximize
the application of knowledge management both in terms
of People, Process & Technology. This is not optimal
because there are still some obstacles in the
implementation of knowledge management in BPJS
Ketenagakerjaan. BPJS Ketenagakerjaan continues to
strive to minimize the obstacles that occur so that the
implementation of knowledge management at BPJS
Ketenagakerjaan can provide maximum impact for the
development of innovation in the company.
Keywords : Knowledge Management, Knowledge Sharing, Innovation, Case Study