The Influence of Brand Image, Product Quality, Brand Awareness on Satisfaction and the Impact on Customer’s Loyalty of PT. Altindo Mulia

Authors : Desyana, Har Adi Basri

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 8 - August

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These research was aim for 1) Getting information if brand would affected to Consumers satisfaction, 2) knowing if the quality of the product would affect consumers satisfaction as well, 3) Knowing influence of Brand awareness to Consumers satisfaction, 4) Knowing the influence of Branding altogether with qualities and Brand awareness would effected to consumers satisfaction as itself, 5) Knowing the influence of Brand to their own loyalty with that products, 6) To get any information if the qualities would be affected to consumers loyalty as well, 7) Knowing the direct effect of brand awareness on brand loyalty, 8) Knowing the direct effect of consumers satisfaction on brand loyalty, 9) Knowing the influence together with the brand image of product quality, Brand awareness consumers satisfaction to Brand loyalty. This research was causal research as it research population would based on people who bought and used any kind products from PT Altindo Mulia. In Jakarta itself there has 5000 customers PT AM which had sample for 100 respondent and the data analysist techniques using path analyze . Based on the research tell itself that the brand image , products quality and Brand awareness partially has a positive effect and significant to customer satisfaction . Brand image, Products quality , and brand awareness simultaneously has a positive and significant effect to customer satisfaction. Product quality has a positive and significant effect to customer loyalty alongside with Brand awareness who has a positive and significant effect to consumers loyalty. An consumers satisfaction has a positive and significant effect to consumers loyalty. Therefore the brand image. product quality, brand awareness and consumers satisfaction altogether simultaneously has a positive and significant effect to consumers loyalty which case brand image , product quality, brand awareness and consumers satisfaction was an important variable to measures the impact of consumers loyalty therefore kind of attention from those variable would hold the key to influence consumers loyalty to refill its packaging products continuously.

Keywords : Brand Image, Product Quality, Brand Awareness, Consumers Satisfaction and Consumers Loyalty.


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