Coronavirus has introduced us to life online.
Online Shop development or online store through
internet media already mushed in Indonesia. The quality
of service that exceeds the expectations of consumers can
attract consumer shopping and consumer confidence in
the Online Shop is a key point to establish long-term
relationship with consumers. The research uses primary
data obtained from questionnaires distributed to 75
entrepreneurs affected by COVID-19. This study explains
the partial and simultaneous influences between
marketing culture variables (X1), competative Excellence
(X2), and consumer attitudes (Y). A significant and
positive influence and reliable on the use of Sales Culture
and Competitive Advantage on Consumer Behavior. This
indicates that the Sales Culture (X1) and Competitive
Advantage (X2) Usage variables provide a simultaneous
effect of 22% on Consumer Behavior (Y).
Keywords : Sales Culture, Competitive Advantage, Consumer Behavior.