This study aims to determine and analyze the
effect of the benefits of coastal tourism destinations on
community participation by moderating the case study
transformational leadership in the Marunda and
Kampung Luar Batang of the Twelve North Jakarta
Coastal Tourism Destinations. This study uses SEM
analysis with a Variance Based SEM / PLS (Partial
Least Square) approach with the help of the WarpPLS
3.0 program. The population is the number of people in
the tourist destination development area from elements
of the village, sub-district and informal leadership.
Sampling technique using the opinion of Maholtra
(2009) so that a sample of 90 people can be obtained, the
number of 117 people exceeds 90 people is intended if
there is incomplete data then meets the requirements of
90. The results of the study show that the benefits of
coastal tourism destinations have a positive and
significant effect on participation the community.
Furthermore the findings show that transformational
leadership does not strengthen the effect of the benefits
of developing tourist destinations on community
Keywords : Travel, Participation, Leadership.