The Influence of Diameter and Spacing between Helix on the Bearing Capacity of Helical Pile

Authors : Ghina Amalia, Maulid M. Iqbal, Ratna Dewi

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 4 - April

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Helical pile is an alternative foundation with several advantages. It is easy and fast piling process, does not cause vibrations that could disrupt the soil in its environment and its bearing capacity is greater than the ordinary pile foundation. The bearing capacity of helical pile is contributed by the end bearing (Qb), shaft friction bearing (QS), and cylindrical bearing (QCyc) that is influenced by several factors such as diameter, configuration, and spacing between helis. This research was conducted experimentally in a laboratory using 2.1 m x 1 m x 0.95 m test box and sand as the medium. The diameter of pile was 1.5 cm, the length was 63 cm and the diameters of helical plates were 6 cm, 8 cm, and 10 cm. The spacing between helix of each pile were 20 cm, 15 cm, and 10 cm. The loading test was conducted using Quick Maintained Load (QML) Test while each of the test objects were analyzed using the Cylindrical Shear Failure Method because the value of S/D was ≤ 3. The result of this test were analyzed using Chin, Davisson and de Beer methods to obtain the ultimate bearing capacity.

Keywords : Helical pile, Foundation Bearing Capacity, Diameter of Helix, Spacing between Helix, Helix Configuration.


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