The Influence of Event Marketing and University Image on Student Decision to Choose Sumbawa University of Technology

Authors : Tri Novri Lestiana; Fendy Maradita

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 12 - December

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Currently, various ways are done by universities to attract prospective students in making decisions. In this case, universities can form a good image in the community or create an event that attracts the attention of the community. This study aims to test the influence of university imagery and marketing events on students' decision to choose the Sumbawa University of Technology. The sample used amounted to 70 respondents of Students of the Sumbawa University of Technology. The data collection method is by surveying by using questionnaires as research instruments. Data analysis techniques use multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the image of universities and marketing events had a significant positive effect on students' decision to choose higher education. For the University is expected in the future can maintain and improve the good image and also universities in holding events can find more unique ideas and attract the attention of the public, especially prospective students in the future.

Keywords : University Image, Event Marketing, Student Decision


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