This study aims to examine the Influence of
Human Resource Development Based on Local Wisdom on
The Performance of Village Apparatus in Batuda'a Pantai,
Biluhu and Bilato Subdistricts in Gorontalo Regency. The
method used is explanatory research by means of data
collection is done at once in a stage known as one short
study or cross-section. In this study also used quantitative
approach with survey method, which uses questionnaire as
a data collection tool. The data analysis uses Smart PLS
with a sample number of 30 people. The population is the
village apparatus in three districts of Gorontalo regency
which amounts to 30 people.
The results of the research focused on human resource
development in the aspects of commitment and integrity
contributed to the improvement of the performance of
village apparatus. Similarly, the development of human
resources in mediation with the variables of local wisdom
gorontalo in this case motolo'awota wawu motolongala'a
further strengthens the performance improvement of
village apparatus.
Keywords : Human Resources Development, Local Kearifn and Village Apparatus Performance.