The financial reports via internet is a new
field of wide research making breakthroughs on a daily
basis, and are affected by many factors such as the
social, cultural, institutional and legal factors, which in
turn affect the popularity of the Internet in financial
reporting. Meanwhile, It has been revealed that firms
that report financial information on their websites are
bigger and more powerful, it has ownership of more
focused, they have more international investors, and
more modern than companies that do not rely on the
Internet. However, the prospect of having to publish
financial information on the internet company does not
rely solely on the individual characteristic, but the
range of effects of interaction between fixed
characteristics, the type of industry, and the state.
Therefore, this study examine the influence of internet
financial reports on the quality of financial reports in
Libya Banking Sector. This study is a conceptual paper
that reviewed the existing literatures on the types and
level of internet financial disclosure of Libya Banking
Sector. This study revealed that the type of disclosures
that includes mandatory, voluntary and selective are
variables that are essential in explaining the level of
internet financial reporting disclosure. This study
contributed to the body of relevant knowledge by
extend the internet financial reporting studies in
developing countries which has not been focus more by
prior studies. In addition, the study extend the
literature on the status of internet financial reporting in
African countries, specifically in the Libya. Finally, it
presents the clear snapshot on those factors influencing
internet financial reporting in Libya.
Keywords : Internet Financial Reporting, Mandatory Disclosure, Voluntary Disclosure, Selective Disclosure, Libya.