The implementation of programs and activities
for the development and management of irrigation
networks is more emphasized on the
construction/rehabilitation of tanks/removal of irrigation
networks and normalization of rivers/irrigation channels.
In this study using a multivariate determination of the
minimum number of samples calculated based on the
following formula (Ferdinand 2011): N = (25 x variables)
= 100 samples. From these calculations, 100 respondents
were determined as the research sample. This research
uses quantitative research and the data analysis used is
multiple regression analysis, t test to see the effect
together. Based on the results of the study, that of the 3
irrigation facilities that became the research variables,
among others (Irrigation Building, Irrigation Water, and
Irrigation Management) were irrigation water and
irrigation management which had an effect on farmer
satisfaction while irrigation buildings had no effect. This
happens because the water tends to be uneven in coastal
areas that still lack water for rice fields. Meanwhile,
simultaneously, irrigation facilities have an effect on
farmer satisfaction in Banyuwangi regency.
Keywords : Irrigation Building, Irrigation Water, Irrigation Management, and Farmer Satisfaction.