Authors : Altje Pangemanan, M.Y. Montung.
Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 2 - February
This research aims to know the relationship between motivation and an accomplished mastery of Math and Science learning outcomes with Physics students at the Junior High School of the Catholic Santa Monika Paniki Manado. This research is descriptive research and korelasional. The population in this study are all students in junior high Catholic Santa Monika Paniki active attended the academic year 2013/2014. The sample in this study amounted to 38 students are taken randomly from six classes in junior high Catholic Santa Monika Paniki. Data collection is done using question form and documentation. The collected data were analyzed by using multiple regression and correlation analysis. The results of the analysis of the data shows that there are multiple relationships between a positive motivation of overachievers and mastery of Math and Science learning outcomes against Physics students in junior high Catholic Santa Monika Paniki modeled in Y ̂ = 34,83 + 0, 13X1 + 0, 45X2 with a coefficient of correlation R = correlation coefficient determination and 0,672 double R2 = 0,451. This shows there is the influence of motivation and an accomplished mastery of mathematics of 45.10% IPA learning outcomes against physics. Thus it can be said that these three variables have a positive relationship.