his research aims to achieve the objectives of
1) analyzing the extent of the influence of personality
towards decision making to be a customer of Bank Riau
Kepri Sharia (BRKS), 2) analyzing the extent of
motivation towards decision making to be a customer of
BRKS 3) analyzing the extent of social class towards
decision making to be customer of BRKS. This reseach
used explanatory quantitative, intended to explain the
relationship among variables to examine a hypothesis.
The population of this study is all customers of BRKS in
year 2021. A total samples are 205 respondents. In order
to answer the problems formulated in this study using
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is conducted. Based
on the discussion and analysis, the result reveals several
conclusions as follows: 1) Personality has no influence
towards decision making to be a customer of BRKS,
because the majority of customers are millennial
generations who were not only have extraversion but also
openness. 2) Motivation has influence towards decision
making to be a customer of BRKS, which means that
customers are motivated to be customers of BRKS
because affiliated to a certain religion, group or ethnic
relationship. 3) Social class has influence towards decision
making to be a customer of BRKS, which means that
increasing the social class will influence the decision to be
a customer of BRKS, 4) Personality has no simultaneously
provides influence towards decision making to be
costumer of BRKS. Motivation and social class have
simultaneously, which means the changes in variables of
motivation and social class also changes the decision
making to be a customer of BRKS
Keywords : Personality, Motivation, Social Class and Customer Decision