The Influence of Standard Operating Procedures on Employee Performance at Duta Laundry Tangerang

Authors : Wijayanti Dewi Prabandari; Ervina Taviprawati

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June

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This study aims to determine whether there is an influence between Standard Operating Procedures and Performance of Employees at Duta Laundry in Tangerang. The research method used in this research is descriptive quantitative method which is supported by primary data collected by distributing questionnaires to respondents, observation, and references, as well as by collecting secondary data from books and the internet. The population in this study were all employees in the Duta Laundry section, then a sample of 10 people was found, this study used a saturated sample to be used as respondents. In this study, it is known that the variable data x is about Standard Operating Procedures and the data is variable y is about performance, which is the primary data. In this study, it is known that the coefficient of determination obtained is 1.1%, meaning that only 1.1% of the performance variable is determined by Standard Operating Procedures and the remaining 98.9% is determined by other variables, which are not examined in this study such as salary, compensation and so on. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is a not too significant effect between Standard Operating Procedures and Employee Performance.

Keywords : Standard Operating Procedures, Employee Performance, Laundry


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