This research aims to know the influence of the application of the performance appraisal and valuation of the portfolio toward the results of the study of math in HIGH SCHOOL. This research was carried out in SMA Negeri Airmadidi Class X with the entire population of students of the semester I force 2017 and the sample was grade A (performance assessment), class B (Portfolio Assessment), and class C (written Test Assessment); with each class consists of 27 students. Hypothesis testing using the ANOVA Bonferroni test and test. The first hypothesis test results obtained Fcount (48,368) > Ftable (3,114) at α = 0.05; that means there is a significant influence on Mathematics Assessment performance assessment, Portfolio Assessment, and an assessment of performance against the results of the study of math in HIGH SCHOOL.
Keywords : Performance Assessment, Portfolio Assessment, The Results of Learning Mathematics.