The Dead Sea is the lowest unique closed basin on the globe, which has the highest water salinity of 349 g/Kg, where the average ocean water salinity is 35 g/Kg. The basin is occupying about 625 Km2 with an elevation of 431m below the mean sea level. The total dissolved solids (TDS) in this brine water reaches 379.6 g/L, and the brine density is 1.224 Kg/L. The trace elements have been recently occupied a large important in industrial researches; one of these important elements is Lithium (Li). It is a vital element in many recent industries and technologies, mainly the solar energy storage systems. The Dead Sea water content of Lithium ranges between 17 and 19 ppm and the calculated geological reserve is 5.4 million metric tons. This reserve is enough to supply the world demands for about 160 years according to the world consumption inventory. It is found that the Lithium concentration in the return waters from Arab Potash Company (APC) reached 30 ppm. This retained water can be enriched with Li by natural evaporation up to 65 ppm. The Shock Heat method was used to raise the concentration of Lithium in the residual brine where, an average of 180 ppm was achieved. But, the Lithium content in the precipitated salts is reached up to 49.6 ppm. A strong combination was found between both elements of Lithium and Strontium in all evaporation stages.
Keywords : Dead Sea, Lithium, Density, Shock Heat.