The title, the influence of the Dividend Payout Ratio and Curren Ratio against the establishment of the share price on the service sector company perikde 20122 – 2015. This research aims to find out if the Current Ratio and Dividend Payout Ratio effect on the growth of service sector Companies stock prices listed on the Indonesia stock exchange. This research data obtained by downloading annual report through the official website so that the data in this study is secondary data. The research method used is the method of quantitative deskriftif by using the application’s e-viws of doing data processing, source data taken from Bursa Efefk Indonesia through the website. Research results show that the positive influence and significant dividend payout ratio against share price growth as evidenced by the value of the t-count is greater than the t-table. While the Current ratio of influential negatife against the growth of the share price. The simultaneous influence of the dividend payout ratio and curren ratio together more influenced positively and significantly to the growth of prices of shares with a value of determination of 75.05%.
Keywords : Current Ratio (CR), Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR), the growth of share prices of.