The design of this study aimed to examine whether factors such as tourism product innovation, tourists’ satisfaction can affect the performance of tourism destination in Tana Toraja District. The study conducted in three sub districts namely Kecamatan Sangalla Utara, Makale Selatan and Gandang Batu Sillanan in the period of time January to November 2018. The population in these study are foreign tourists, travelers archipelago who coming to Tana Toraja. Accidental sampling method is considered more compatible to this study. There are 250 respondents as unit of analysis. Data collection method is conducted by doing questionnaire distribution, in-depth interview, field observation and literature review. Analytical method used to test the research hypothesis is structural equation modeling (SEM) of AMOS_23. The result of analysis shows that there is significant influence of tourism product innovation on tourists’ satisfaction and the role of tourists’ satisfaction between tourism product innovations towards tourism destination performance.
Keywords : Tourists, Tongkonan, ecotourism, SEM, innovation, satisfaction, performance.