This research purpose was to discovered and
examined those influence over job satisfaction through
career levels and employee competencies at Polri
Security Intelligence Agency employees. This research
used quantitative method with type of causality
approach. Those population were all employees of the
National Police Security Intelligence Agency included in
the category III and IV civil servants as many as 73.
The sample method that used was probability sampling
with simple random sampling technique, then the
sample obtained as many 73 respondents. The data
analysis method uses the Structural Equation Model
(SEM) using the help of the Smart PLS 3.0 program.
The analysis result was indicated that career paths and
employee competence are proven to have an influence
on job satisfaction at Polri Security Intelligence Agency
employees. Career path and employee job satisfaction
are proven to have an influence towards capability at
National Police Security Intelligence Agency. While
employee competence has proven to have no influence
against the capability of the National Police Security
Intelligence Agency
Keywords : Career levels, Employee Competency, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Capability