The Intersection of Marketing and Human Resource Disciplines: Employer Brand Equity as a Mediator in Recruitment Process

Authors : Rendita Andriani, Wawas Bangun Tegar Sunaryo Putra

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 12 - December

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This study aims to examine the role of employer brand equity mediation in relation to product brands, corporate brands, corporate marketing efforts in social media and the intentions of potential candidates to apply for jobs. Developed as a hierarchical component using the reflective-reflective measurement model and assessed using PLS-SEM, the results show that all direct paths were found to have positive and significant correlations while the company's brand as a mediator construct was found to have a different mediating effect. Our research proves that in certain company sectors and product brand level can influence the intention of job applicants to apply, which is different from previous research which states that product brands do not affect the intention to apply at the level of an aggregate company with varying nature.

Keywords : Employer Brand, Product Brand, Corporate Brand, Social Media Marketing.


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