The cancellation of the authentic deed that
can be carried out by the judge, if the authentic deed
does not meet the requirements stipulated by the law
and the subjective or objective requirements are not
fulfilled. This study analyzes the judge's decision on the
cancellation of the notary deed as evidence in the
Padang District Court which aims to find out how the
Judge's consideration in making the decision to cancel
the notary deed as evidence in the Padang District
Court and the legal consequences for the deed being
canceled through the Padang District Court decision.
This study uses a juridical normative approach, which
is a study that aims to examine legal principles, legal
systematics, legal history and comparative law.
According to the provisions of Law Number 2 of 2014
concerning the Position of Notary in Article 84, if there
is a case that is brought before a judge in which the
material of the lawsuit is regarding the notary's actions
which have violated the provisions of that article, the
judge must test the formal strength of proof against the
authentic deed. The decision of the Padang District
Court number 127 / Pdt.G / 2015 / PN.Pdg which
declared the legal invalidation of Satria Tama's notary
deed on July 19, 2012 deed number 272/2012 2012
because it was made on land that was in progress or was
complaining in Court. So that the results of the research
on the consideration of the judge's decision on the
cancellation of a notary deed which is used as evidence
in Court, are errors in the deed-making process that are
not in accordance with the law, illegal acts committed
by notaries and parties to the parties, errors in the
contents of notary deeds, form of deeds notary public,
and typographical errors in the copy of the notary deed.
The legal consequences for notarial deeds that are
canceled by court decisions are null and void, can be
canceled, and the power of proof is degraded.
Keywords : Judge's Decision, Deed Cancellation, and Evidence.