The Nurse professional program is a process
of transforming nursing students into professional
nurses. The process of professional stage education in
Indonesia is known as practical learning which aims to
develop skills in providing nursing care and be able to
adapt to its professional role. Nurse professional
education does not yet have specific arrangements to be
able to protect Ners professional students in carrying out
practical learning, including rights and obligations.
Nurse professional students are allowed to carry out
nursing actions independently on the condition that they
get approval from the client and remain under the
supervision of the preceptor. The responsibility and
accountability of Ners professional students while
carrying out practical learning in the hospital is the
responsibility of the preceptor. The implementation of
legal protection for Ners professional students in
carrying out practical learning is unclear because there
are no clear laws and regulations regarding the rights
and obligations of students of the Nurse professional
program in carrying out practical learning at health
institutions. Legal protection is obtained only from a
cooperation agreement between educational institutions
and health agencies, but the cooperation agreement can
cause multiple interpretations and cannot provide legal
protection for Ners profession students with certainty
Keywords : Legality, Student Profession Nurse, Hospital.