The Level of Welfare of Fish Farmer Floating Net Cage Culture Around the Lake in Gorontalo Regency, Indonesia

Authors : Femy M. Sahami, Lis M Yapanto, Aroman Monoarfa.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 1 - January

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The research activity was carried out in September 2018 at the Limboto Lake in Iluta Village, Batudaa Sub-District, Gorontalo Regency. The reason for choosing the location is that the people who cultivate fish in floating net cage-culture in Iluta Village are the Relatively large formulation problem in research this is how the level of welfare of fishermen floating cages in Lake Village Iluta Limboto Batudaa Subdistrict of Gorontalo regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of welfare of fishermen floating cages in the Lake Village Iluta Limboto Batudaa Sub-district of Gorontalo Regency. Data collected in the study consisted of primary data and secondary data. The difference between the techniques of collecting primary data and secondary data. Total population in this study is the owner of 90 business units tilapia culture in floating cages in Lake District region Limboto Gorontalo Regency (Data Department of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Gorontalo Regency, 2015). Samples taken are all of the population (90). This is in accordance with the opinion of Ashari (2011), the sampling technique. If the number of the subject is less than 100 better take all. However, if a large number of subjects can be taken between 1015% or 20-25%. Primary data, that is data obtained directly in the field by means of observation, interviews with the respondents using a questionnaire. This study used the survey method. Survey method studies that measure symptoms exist without investigating, why these symptoms exist (Mudlofar 2012). survey research is a type of research that takes a sample of the population and the questionnaire as the principal means of data collection. Sekunder data namely data obtained from various sources or agencies associated with this study, local government, the Department of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries Gorontalo Regency, and literature related to the research, quantitative data about prosperity level fish farmer analyzed by giving score to indicators of well-being fish farmer that consist of indicators welfare according to Statistics Center (2015).

Keywords : The Level of Welfare Net Cage-Culture, Limboto lake. Gorontalo Regency.


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