The Measures and Proposals for Increasing the Level of Adherence in FBiH Healthcare

Authors : Lana Lekic, Alen Lekic, Ervin Alibegovic, Jasna Rahimic, Tarik Catic

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 10 - October

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 Objectives: Arterial hypertension represents a significant public health problem. It is estimated that around one billion people currently have hypertension, and that by the year 2025 the number will rise by 60%. Adherence is a multidimensional phenomenon, determined by interaction of several factor groups, which are also known in the literature as „dimensions of adherence“, where patient-related factors represent but one of the determinants (others are social-economic factors, healthcare-system-related factors, disease-related factors, therapy-related factors).  Methods: The study has included 280 subjects divided into two groups according to the type of means provided to them for the purpose of improving adherence to the therapy. The trial was an open, longitudinal, multicentric, comparative randomized clinical study within which patients with insufficient adherence to the antihypertensive therapy were randomized into two groups according to the type of means provided to them for the purpose of improving adherence.  Results: Based on the results of the research, it is possible to obtain partial insight into data on the degree and causes of patients' non-adherence in the FBiH. The results of the study (21) indicate the fact that patients with chronic arterial hypertension treatment have a high level non – adherence, whose key cause is: forgetfulness (48.6%), difficulties in remembering therapy (65.4%), patient's own will to temporary stop with consuming therapy (43.6%).  Conclusion: The importance of high adherence level is presented in a large number of studies, which prove it affects not only the effectiveness of therapy, but also many other segments such as the quality of patient's life, the health system, etc. Measures and proposals for increasing the level of adherence in FBiH health care are mainly based on available research in the world, as well as research carried out in FBiH, and on the basis of other available information in primary and secondary data sources. Due to the numerous limitations and complexities of the state and political ordering, and to the inability to allocate significant financial resources, we consider it a realistic option to increase the level of adherence through measures and proposals that are in the patient / medical personnel domain.

Keywords : Increasing Adherence in FBiH, Adherence Dimensions, Adherence to Therapeutic Efficacy.


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