The Medical Sociology of Covid-19: The Greatest Enemy of Man in the 21st Century

Authors : Chuks Justus Iwegbu; Dr. Ewere Rosemary Iwegbu

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 9 - September

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This article on “The Medical Sociology of Covid-19: The Greatest Enemy of Man in the 21st Century” is intended to establish the significant relationship between Covid-19, Man and the environment. The concept of Medical Sociology in the context of this discourse is seen as that field in Sociology that connects Man, Society and Medicine. It is also viewed as the development of knowledge and the selection of methods including actions and interactions of healthcare professionals, and the social or cultural effects of medical practice in the control and management of disease conditions. The paper equally examined the origin of the ravaging Corona Virus Disease today and it’s universally accepted definition, management and control mechanisms. The extent to which Covid-19 is redefining man and reordering man’s social, cultural and economic relationship is equally highlighted. The destructive effects of Corona Virus Disease on human body were also examined. Attempt to establish the meaning of Community Spread as defined by World Health Organization (WHO) to mean a person contacting the Covid-19 without knowing the source of the infection was equally made. Community transmission or Community spread of COVID-19 as constantly used by health workers refers to someone who gets the virus even though they haven’t been out of the country or haven’t been exposed to someone who has traveled abroad or who has COVID-19. The article concludes by asserting that Corona Virus Disease remains the greatest threat to human existence today and suggestions on how to lower the curve of Covid-19 were spelt out

Keywords : Medical Sociology, Covid-19, Community Transmission/Spread.


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