The Moderating Effect of EWOM on the Perception of Service Quality and Repurchase Intension Relationship: The Case of the West Bank Restaurants

Authors : Hebah Hanbali

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June

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This study aims to find the effect of electronic word of mouth (EWOM), on the relationship between perception of service and the repurchase intention of restaurants’ customers in the West Bank. It will clarify the relationship between the dimensions of perception of service and the repurchase intention. In addition, it tests the moderation effect of eWOM on that relationship. The eWOM that will be studied is one that people share on social media (Social eWOM). A questionnaire was digitally distributed and 197 responses were returned. Cronbach’s alpha formula proved the reliability of the scale’s variables. The data was analyzed using SPSS 19 by conducting factor analysis to determine the dimensions of perception of service in West Bank, the correlation analysis to find the relationship between the variables, multiple regression analysis to find the effect of the dimensions on the repurchase intention, the hierarchical regression was conducted to examine the moderation effect of eWOM. The perception of service dimensions in West Bank was found to be Assurance and Reliability. Both of the dimensions were found to affect the repurchase intention of restaurant customers positively, however, assurance has a stronger effect on repurchase intention. EWOM’s moderation effect was partially supported. The size of the chosen sample was mainly the limitation of the study.

Keywords : EWOM, Repurchase Intention, Service Quality, SERVQUAL, Social Media.


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