While judging others, individuals utilize many,
many shortcuts (biases/perceptual errors) (Robbins, and
Judge, 2011).
These biases do in fact create dilemmas for people.
There are a myriad of biases. This research paper
examines the ensuing rampant types of biases: 1. Selective
Perception, 2. The Halo Effect, 3. The What-is-Beautiful-
is-Good Bias, along with the ramifications they have on
various people, situations, in addition to effective modern-
day bias prevention techniques.
Educators are afflicted by the Halo bias (Keeley et al,
2013). Halo bias arises when a rater’s assessment
concerning one facet of the educator has an effect on the
rest of that individual’s ratings (Keeley et al, 2013). For
instance, if a student adores a professor’s character, she
judges him/her as being a great communicator as well
(Keeley et al, 2013).
The What-is-Beautiful-is-Good bias materializes
when ratees’ CV caliber is identical, and employers are
partisan in their opinion of applicants’ fitness for a job due
to the diverse levels of applicants’ physique and facial
allure (Cristofaro , 2017).
Keywords : Biases, Perception, Perceptual Errors, What-is- Beautiful-is-Good Bias, Halo Effect Bias, Selective Perception Bias, Effective Modern Prevention Techniques, Human Resource Management, and Organizational Behavior.