It has become increasingly beneficial, if not
necessary, in today’s contemporary ESL/EFL classroom
to use what many teacher researchers refer to as a
Hybrid Curriculum, otherwise known as a Content
Based Language Curriculum. Doing so reflects the
needs of an increasing number of students wishing to
study abroad in discourse communities that may not
communicate literally, verbally, socially, and so on in
the first language of the matriculating student from
abroad. This presents challenges to both students and
professors alike that must be addressed if students
studying abroad in a language other than their first
language are to have any chance of navigating
successfully their chosen field of study. A hybrid
curriculum has therefore been proposed as a means of
preparing prospective study abroad students for the
rigors of academia abroad, as it not only prepares
ESL/EFL students for the nomenclature their sure to
experience in undergraduate studies abroad, but also
clearly for the academic reading, writing, speaking,
listening and grammar skills they will be required to
communicate their thoughts, opinions, research ideas in.
A discretionary point must be made however to
teachers considering such a curriculum. That being the
use of content specific to a discipline with less than
adequate attention being made to discrete skills
instruction as well.