The Neurocognitive Epistemology of the Neuroplasticity Interaction on Working Memory into Neurocognitive Ability Test (Gat) or General Mental Ability (GMA) Capabilities of Pedagogy Concept Development Toward Medical and Allied Health Sciences Theories

Authors : Nizam, MK.; Mohd, KNNI

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 2 - February

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Cognition are action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience and the sense drive on working memories into neurocognitive ability test (GAT) impact neurocognitive epistemology. These studies aim to examine the use of pedagogy concept development inter- relationship and its impact on the improvements in students’ learning and identified neurocognitive epistemology capabilities on working memory. There are 232 totals of respondents for these studies. The studies designs were cross-sectional studies. Self- Administered booklet Questionnaire, Schematic Mapping of working memory Johan et al., (2015), metalinguistic development Gombert’s concept (1992), Sean sample (GTAC, 2018) were used as instruments. The Pearson Correlation and One way – Anova were used to discover inter-relationship among students between group and listening skill and correlation association. P-values less than 0.05 were interpreted as significant. The achievements were 90% in advanced (Level 4) with higher in semester 1 than 2 and 3. Academic Performance (AP), Attitude Achievement (AA) and Level Competencies (LC) were higher in semester 1 on both genders. However, competencies attitude on Academic Achievement (AA) were higher in female than males. Prevalence on AHSE were 98%. Meanwhile, General mental abilities (GAT) among respondents were 89.9%. However, Neurocognitive Epistemology on working memory were 68%. There is significant and positive correlation association between group on listening, reading and writing; reading and listening among students, p value <0.05. In the Pedagogical Attitude content Knowledge (PACK) concept, there was positive Inter-relationship on Attitude content Knowledge (ACK), Pedagogical Attitude Knowledge (PAK) and Pedagogical contents Knowledge (PCK). The reliability were 0.871, while neurocognitive ability test (NAT) on brain region were validate in percentile (%ile) score more .20 showing that impact of pedagogy concept were strong and validated. The institute differ significantly high impact in their competencies, achievement and attitude among students in term of neuroplasticity interaction on working memory into neurocognitive ability test (NCAT).

Keywords : Pedagogy Concept, Neurocognitive Ability, Working Memory.


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