The Power of Curiosity in Academic Excellance

Authors : Prof. S M Rajashekar

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 12 - December

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Curiosity, due to the main incentive and recollection centers in the brain, increases the capacity of people to understand and remember new knowledge.In a series of trivia questions by Matthias Gruber and his colleagues at the University of California, Davis asked volunteers to rate their level of curiosity and then test their minds when they saw the answers to the questions. Participants remembered responses to questions they were more passionate about than to questions they were less interested in.Brain scans showed increased activity during this learning in regions that respond to reward and follow the production of memory and showed increased connectivity between the two regions. During the trivia replies, volunteers were shown unrelated faces and were better at recognizing those faces while stimulating their interest. This shows that the learning of incidental skills also leads to interest.


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