Authors : Gabriel Frazao Silva Pedrosa, Lidiane Andréia Assunção Barros
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 4 - April
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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20APR721
Nursing care facing child development has
enormous significance, since the development concerns
multiple transformations of continuous, dynamic and
progressive manner, integrates, in addition to growth,
maturation, learning and psychic aspects and social.
The problem of this study consists of in the need to
know the role of the Nurse in promoting development
childish. The objective was to describe practices in a
Basic Health Unit, by academics from nursing course.
This is a study descriptive, being an experience report
from of experiences of nursing students in a UBS in the
period between August to November 2014, during activities the Collective Health discipline. During the experiences technical services were performed nursing care
for infants, as the nursing consultation, as well as,
health education project application. To throughout the
activities, guidance was given in the exercise of the project as a tool for assist the educational process
Keywords : Nursing; Cheers Public; Child Health.