One of the patient reason to choose the health services is the quality of nursing services that can be seen from five main dimensions of servqual namely; tangibles, reliability, responsibility, assurance, empathy dimensions. In one of the Islamic hospitals in South Sumatera more than half respondents evaluated nursing service is in good category although there were still lacking. The purpose of this study was aimed to describe the quality of nursing services in one of the Islamic hospitals in South Sumatra. The design of this study used quantitative research with descriptive analytic. The sampling method used purposive sampling with 185 convenient respondents. The data collection used questionnaire. The results showed 68.1% of the services quality were good it seen from tangibles dimension, 52.4% of the service quality were good it seen from reliability dimension, 62.7% of the service quality were good it seen from responsibility dimension, 61.6% of the service quality were good it seen from the assurance dimension and 60% of the service quality were good it seen from empathy dimension. It is important to maintain and improve all dimensions of the quality of nursing services.
Keywords : Nursing service quality, Servqual, South Sumatra, Indonesia.