Aim of these study to discover and learned
regarding the impact of leadership style and work
discipline towards the employee performance at
Paramadina University. This research used quantitative
data types with total sample of 30 respondents by nonprobability sampling method with primary data
obtained from questionnaires that are processed by
SPSS. The analysis technique used multiple linear
regression. The results showed that 1) leadership style
variables has an influences towards employee
performance at Paramadina University with t
arithmetic > t table (3.361 > 2.0484) and sig value of
0.002 < 0.005, 2) work discipline variables has an
influence towards employee performance. This
averment was proven by the results of data processing
with value of t work discipline table of 4.460 t count > t
table that is (4.460 > 2.0484) and significance level of
0.000 < 0.05, meaning that work discipline has a strong
reaction on employee performance and 3) leadership
style variables and work discipline togetherness has
strong reaction Against employee performance.
Keywords : Leadership Style, Work Discipline, Employee Performance