This research intends to discover the level of
influence of transformational leadership, organizational
culture, and compensation systems on Organizational
Citizenship Behavior (OCB) within the Judicial
Commission officers. Those respondents in this research
were amount 130 employees of the Judicial Commission
who were civil servants. The technique of data collection
is done by meeting respondents directly and distributing
questionnaires to employees. Data have been scrutinized
by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version
25.0. The analysis shows that transformational
leadership significantly influences OCB, organizational
culture significantly affects OCB, and compensation
significantly influences OCB. Simultaneously
leadership, organizational culture, and compensation
significantly impact OCB. This result also shows that
organizational culture is the dominant variable and
influence on OCB within the Judicial Commission
Keywords : Transformational Leadership, Organizational Culture, Compensation, Organizational Citizenship Behavior