In the English language teaching and learning
process, teacher talk modification techniques were a
major concern. It was thought to provide comprehensible
feedback and a language model for students in order to
create efficient and meaningful teaching and learning
activities. As a result, the aim of this study was to
investigate the aspect of teacher talk suggested by
teachers in the context of senior secondary schools. A
qualitative research method is applied by researchers to
explore the reasons of the teachers in modifying teacher's
speech phenomenon in English classroom interactions
involving three English teachers who teach at two
different senior high schools: SMA Negeri 17 Makassar
and SMA Negeri 1 Makassar. Data was collected through
online classroom observations in the form of audio
recordings and interviews, then analyzed based on a
conversation analysis framework. The data analysis shows
that EFL teachers change their talk strategies on a
regular basis for three reasons: (1) stressing the presented
content, (2) providing understandable feedback, and (3)
modeling the target language to the students. As a result,
it considered how adjustment techniques aided students'
understanding of their classroom interactions.
Keywords : EFL Classroom Interaction, Modification Strategies, Teacher Talk